IT Applications Specialist/Developer/Process Monitoring Officer/DevOps Engineer

Yahia Elhadi Elkanzi

Yahia is an experienced Senior IT Applications Specialist and process monitoring officer . Skilled in Business Process, Analytical Skills, Oracle,MySQL,MSSQL, Requirements Analysis, and Process Monitoring. Strong operations professional , Experienced APM administrator (APPDYNAMICS,Manage Engine , Custom developed monitoring Tools with voice activated alerts and notifications) , Experienced in Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platforms Google Actions, DevOps and IoT enthusiast.



☈ APM Solutions : Appdynamics , ManageEngine , Site24x7 , Azure Application Insights , Nagios .

☈ Web Development: ASP.NET MVC, C# Entity Framework 6, HTML5, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, XML, WordPress,,

☈ Dev Frameworks: ASP.NET MVC

☈ JS Frameworks: JQuery, Kendo UI, JQuery UI

☈ Databases: MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Lite, Oracle, Microsoft Access

☈ Development Software: Microsoft Visual Studio

☈ OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, Ubuntu , MacOs, Linux

☈ Version Control: GitHub, VSO Git

☈ Issue/Bug Tracking: Visual Studio Online, Jira

☈ Web Servers: IIS, Jboss , Apache Tomcat Server

☈ Cloud Services: Azure