While the rise of Internet of things is expanding , and the need of integration between devices and cloud services like Microsoft Azure , Google Cloud Platform...etc is needed, i leveraged my knowledge and experience with APM solutions like Appdynamics Plus my passion in IoT , Home Automation and raspberry PI to achieve an integration between devices "Things" and the (Application Performance management solution) Appdynamics (SaaS Model)

APM & IoT + Google Home

The idea came from my passion to live in the future... But "NOW" , my dream is to see the day where we can talk to our systems and our systems talk back to us, specially when they feel pain, yes i said it, when they feel "pain" , don't we name the status of a system behavior by a system or server (Health) . also for the system , server or a process to address their pain i once had created a voice activated alert, programmed when a health rule is preached, using my programming skills in C# and recorded one of my colleague’s voice also i have converted text to speech audio file to be played in different occasions or when different event are triggered. And to be honest this helped us a lot to react proactively and fast , even for the 24x7 team they were panicked the first time they heard it , but loved to hear “Daisy’s voice” later alarming them with her gentle voice.